All around us are hurting people, in need of a touch of God’s grace upon their lives. We are called to work in His harvest fields. Hospice is one area where we can reach out and touch lives with the news that God still “heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.”
It is an area of outreach that may never build up our congregations but it does build up His Church. It is an opportunity for us to be His hands and feet and voice reminding people in the midst of their suffering that God has not forgotten them. It is an opening to share that He loves them and offers to each of them the gift of eternal life through his Son Jesus Christ.
It is amazing the opportunities that arise within working in Hospice. God can open doors that no man can shut, even in the context of respecting a person’s spiritual preference that may differ from our own. When a person is faced with the finality of this life they begin to question is there more?
Hospice allows one the privilege of being there to help people find answers. It is an open door to helping a person know for sure that they have eternal life. Some of the open doors include sharing one’s own personal testimony, ministering God’s Word, leading people to Christ, baptizing them, sharing communion, encouraging those who are suffering to remain faithful till the end.
For the saints who are terminal it becomes an open door to worship in their homes. It is a great means of utilizing those old hymn books that collect dust on our book shelves.
Just being there, showing people that you care and that they are not alone opens doors to share your story and impact others with the Gospel of Christ. One great area of outreach is being a listening presence. This allows a person to open up and share their story. Time and again you will be the one who is truly blessed having been entrusted with their memories.
We get to watch God restore broken relationships in healing through forgiveness, it’s awesome. Often we become a permanent part of their extended family.
Perhaps you are one whom God can use to make a difference through Hospice outreach. There may be an opening in your area. Hospice organizations need social workers, nurses, Chaplain’s, C.N.A.’s, Grief Counselor’s and volunteers.
They may not remember our names in years to come but they will remember the acts of kindness and love we extended to their family in a time of crisis.
Donna Bevels
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