
Join us in
Prayer and Give to One of Our Outreach Projects or Ministry Needs
Praise God for all the ministry we can do online at this time in Central Asia and the United States. Please pray that God would give us much wisdom as we mentor, disciple and teach in these days.
Our God is creative! Please read on and be encouraged by how God is at work and how you share in this ministry by your prayerful support and financial gifts. Funding for the projects is needed. Here are the projects NAECHOG are working on:
Personal support – Account #100
Central Asia – Relief of poor communities and outreach – Account #101
Central Asia – Training of local church leaders – Account#102
Central Asia – Paul’s cloak – Account #103
Central Asia – Establishing of local believer’s outreach – Account # 104
Central Asia – Social media church and discipleship – 105
Please note : Any money received with no designation will go to the Network for Active Engagement’s general operating account.
Instructions for donating by check:
Please make check out to: National Association of Evangelism and designate it for #100 Personal support or write the number of the account for the project you would like to support.
Mail check to: Hartley Tax & Accounting, LLC
6066 East State Boulevard
Fort Wayne, IN 46815
Contact for more information: Jean Hartley, (CEO-EA) who handles receiving NAECHOG contribution. Office: Tel. (260) 749-0444