Thanksgiving never grows old! It means to express gratitude, especially to God. “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” exclaims the Apostle Paul in God’s word to the Ephesians (5:20).
Since November is called the month of thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day is a reminder to give thanks to God and to family and friends for their love and support.
Historically, the holiday finds its root in America and was a religious observation to give thanks to God. They celebrated harvest!
God’s Church is exhorted to be thankful. “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
Psalm 95:2 encourages, “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.”
Being thankful is always appropriate – every day. Besides God, family and trusted friends, I also give thanks for:
Being born in America,
People who believe in you,
Good jobs,
Military men and women,
Christian influences,
Church’s Loving fellowship,
Law enforcement,
Politicians who keep their word,
Vision, dreams to achieve great things,
“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness,” claims Gerald Good. “It will change your life mightily.”
Great words to ponder – from your heart.
Rev. Woodrow Wilson
Senior pastor at God’s Community Outreach in Chillicothe, Ohio, for nearly 20 years. Rev. Wilson is an author, a writer, teacher, speaker and sports official. His column is “Words From Woody.” He and wife, Rev. Trish, live in Chillicothe. Rev. Wilson can be contacted by email. Copyright 2009 Woody Wilson

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