Try these seven tips:
1. Read the Bible: There are many ways to get close to God but one way that I expect to excel is through reading the Bible. The Bible reveals the Trinity to us. The Bible also answers many questions such as:What is the purpose to life? Where did I come from? How can I change? Is there life after death? How do I get to heaven? Why is the world full of evil? Why do I struggle to do good? And on and on…
It also offers us much practical advice in many areas of our lives. Maybe you have asked yourself what do I look for in a mate and how can I have a successful marriage or how can I be a good parent. You can find the answers in the Bible.
2. Tell Others: Chances are someone shared with us; so we want to share with others. Naturally gratitude prompts us wanting to share with others. As followers of Christ, there are many reasons why we should be eager to share our faith. Accepting Christ into our lives has changed us so we naturally want to share this with others. Matthew 28:18-20 is Christ’s command to all believers to go with His blessing and power to preach the Gospel so that others could come to know the saving power and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Matthew 10:8 tells us that we have freely received so we shall freely give. There is an element of duty for us to share our faith. Acts 1:8; I Thessalonians 2-4 remind us that we have been entrusted by God to be His messengers to those who have not heard the Good News.
3. Pray: The Apostle Paul, in short in Colossians, warns the Christians who are battling the cults to remember that for everything worthwhile, there is a counterfeit. He gives them this instruction: “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
Prayer is a means of discerning His will. It is a form of communion with God. I guess what I really mean is that praying should be like breathing. For Christians it should be easier to do it than to not do it. Luke 2:36-38 tell us that prayer is a form of serving and obeying God. Jesus set the classic example of prayer. If Jesus thought it was worthwhile to pray, we should too!
4. Spend Time With Other Christians: It is important for us as Christians to have fellowship and worship together. Acts 2:42 demonstrates how we need to attend church so we can worship God with other believers and be taught His Word for our spiritual growth. The local church is where we can receive encouragement (Hebrews 3:13); and show love for one another (I John 4:12).
When a person trusts Jesus Christ for salvation, he or she may be disowned by their own family or circle of friends and it is crucial for them to understand they have become a member of the body of Christ and the church (1 Corinthians 12.21-27). None of us can reach our full spiritual maturity without the assistance and encouragement of other believers.
5. Get Baptized: The act is important because it is a sign that one has been justified by faith and is a public declaration of one’s faith in Christ is a part of the local body of believers. Baptism is not the means of remission or forgiveness of sins. The Bible is very clear that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Acts 2:38; Matthew 3:11).
The reference in Matthew reads: “… baptize you with water for repentance.” Here, clearly the Greek word eis cannot mean “in order to get” in this passage. They were not baptized “in order to get repentance,” but were “baptized because they had repentance.
6. Support Christian Ministries: Giving is a joyous response to how the Lord has prospered you. The Bible teaches the concept of tithing. It is given as an example in the Scriptures as how individuals should respond to God’s blessings. Many believers consider it their privilege to give proportionately to the work of the Lord using the tithe as a pattern; and as the Holy Spirit prompts to local and foreign outreach ministries. 1 Corinthians 16.2 demonstrates that collections were taken and given to other ministry needs.
7. Get involved in a Bible Study: When we can join others in a Bible study it helps us gleam insights we may have missed. The Bible is a book that is not merely for reading. It is a book for studying so that it can be applied. Studying the Bible can be compared to mining for gold.
If we make little effort, let’s say, “sift through the pebbles in a stream,” then we will only find a little gold dust. But the more we make an effort to really dig into it, the more reward we will gain for our effort. When we seek to really understand the Bible, we begin to understand God’s message to us.

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