Growing up in a pastor’s home I had the experience to see my dad try things that were outside the box just in order to see if he could reach someone with the good news. At an early age I was able to work with puppets and in the 1980’s my brother and I were puppeteers at the Shartel Church of God in Oklahoma City. In 1985 I ordered “Ricky”, a full body puppet, and started teaching myself ventriloquism.
My first performance was at the Junior/Senior Banquet at Mid America Bible College. Dr. Nelson Trick even sketched a portrait of “Ricky” and me. Our Journey through the years would take us to visit terminally ill children at the University of Missouri Hospital, and The Gilloiz Theater in downtown Springfield, MO for the Children’s Miracle Network.
“Ricky” was able to reach out to a wide variety of audiences for 27 years. His last performance was at a homeless camp where we entertained around 20 homeless people. This was a very moving time. “Ricky” currently resides that the Vent Haven Museum, which is the only museum for ventriloquist.
“Ricky” was getting old and I didn’t want to use him anymore, but I didn’t know if I could replace him. He had been with me for 27 years so I was going to retire as a ventriloquist, but God had other plans. Within just a few months I had gifts of other ‘characters’ given to me.
One character looked like “Ricky” so I named him “Ricky Jr.” Currently I have “Ricky Jr.”; “Zagnut” (green monster); “Don K.”(Donkey); “DOT” (bird); “Larry the Lion”; “Mr. Tennis Ball”; “Grandpa Earl”; and “Grandma Pearl”.
The last 4 years have been exciting to say the least. Doors have opened to minister all over the Midwest and since Jan. 2014 we have performed to over 1500 people. We do shows for the following organizations: Cox South in Springfield, MO; MDA summer camp on Lake of the Ozarks, Children’s Miracle Network, American Red Cross, Veteran’s Homes, School Assemblies, and a wide variety of other places and locations.
The rewarding part is what God is doing at the shows. Below is a list of comments that have been shared with me.
“I had a bad doctor’s report, but after your show I knew God was going to take care of me”.
(Audience member from show in Edmond, OK)
“I have traveled all over the world and you’re the best ventriloquist I have seen”.
(Gloria who used to play keyboards for Billy Graham)
“Your characters are full of life it’s like you’re not even up there with them”.
(Audience member from a show in Springfield, MO)
One of the things we do at our events is to give out gold medals to children. On these gold medals it says “winner”! It is my desire to let the children know that God made them special and that they are winners. I want to share with you a few stories that really touched my heart.
It was during the Christmas season in 2012 and I was leaving the 7th floor at Cox South. I had just got done visiting the kids and was in the elevator with another man and his two young children. My character “Ricky Jr.” was dressed up in his Christmas outfit when he started talking to the kids, and started singing Christmas songs.
The kids started smiling and laughing. When we were getting out of the elevator the father of the two children told me that that was the first time they had smiled all day. He then went on to tell me they found out that his dad, their granddad had terminal brain cancer. I was humbled and honored to be there at that time.
In that same year I had the opportunity to visit a place that I will not mention, but they housed troubled kids. I was able to perform there twice. My character “Zagnut” sings a song called, “I’m Special” and he taught them this song. It was such a beautiful sound to hear these kids sing with “Zagnut”, “I’m Special”.
One day in 2013 while visiting a hospital I had my character “DOT”, and she loves to sing. One of the patients we went to see was a 13 year old girl. She had tried to commit suicide and I really wasn’t sure what to say to her, but “DOT” did! She began to sing “I Believe I can Fly”! This young girl started to smile and then “DOT had her sing with her “I Believe I can Fly”! It’s one of those moments I will never forget.
My final story is when “Ricky Jr.” and I were at the Sparta Elementary Assembly and we talked about commitment and perseverance. Then at the end of our time I had 300 kids and teachers say with “Ricky Jr.”, “I won’t give up”!!
This is why I do evangelism through ventriloquism. It’s very rewarding and I know lives are being changed.
Kerry J. Miller
You can learn more about this wonderful ministry at: &

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